Left Bony LabyrinthBy Nicola
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This file is a micro segmentation of bony labyrinth taken from a CT scan. I paid particular attention to the vestibule bone with its 2 windows, the cochlea and the semicircular canals. To exhibit all bony labyrinth I eliminated the middle ear structures, but I kept the hammer, the incus and the facial nerve canal. you can observe the course of the facial nerve canal in its three portions with two knees and with his natural dehiscences. I also left in place the internal auditory canal and the iFracture MandibleBy skullman
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Parasymphyseal and subcondylar mandibular FracureBovine ArchBy valchanov
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This is 3d model of aortic arch with left common carotid artery, which branches from the brachiocephalic trunk (Bovine Arch) and a dilatation of the ascending aorte. I made the model from the Artifix CTA set, Osirix dicom library. It's part of a anatomical series of aortic arch anomalies and it's for clinical anatomy teaching purposes.Full size real skull modelBy GMorein
- $7.00
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Skull model STL file. The skull model was designed according to high-resolution MRI imaging. The model was designed on a stand as one part for good stability on the table and orientation to presentation. 3D printed models at full scale and 50% scale are available from embodi3D. skull, head, bone, 3d model, stl, printable, high quality, forntal, temporal, occipital, parietal, maxilla, mandible, orbit, cervical, spineNasal cavity with paranasal sinusesBy valchanov
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This is my latest version of my paranasal sinuses model with emphasis on the nasal cavity. Every cavity is connected and can be reached with endoscope as an otorhynolaryngological training model. The wall thickness is 0,6mm. For best results, use transparent material with water or oil soluble support. paranasal, sinuses, osteology, ethmoid, sinus, paranasal, septum, nasal, maxillary, turbinate, otorhynolaryngology, 3d, model, stl, frontal, sphenoid, facial3D Printable Human Brain Model, STL format, from MRIBy Dr. Mike
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This Brain model was created from a high resolution MRI scan. The model includes the cerebrum. The cerebellum and brain stem are not depicted. The model has been made hollow, with 4 mm wall thickness to save on material when 3D printing. The model is full-size. It has been successfully printed at full size on an Ultimaker 3 Extended printer, and at 95% size on a Formlabs Form 2 printer. Technical parameters: Vertices: 350725 Triangles:Fancy skull and vertebraeBy valchanov
- $30.00
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This is 3d model of a skull - my best skull so far. I made it from 0,7mm CT scan. This is the source model for my paranasal sinuses model. Sketchfab link. Thanks for the tutorials, Dr. Mike!lumbar spine and sacrumBy fbonel
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Segmented lumbar spine and sacrum, young adult. This includes L1 through L5 vertebral bodies and the sacrum .STL files for the intervertebral disks and pelvis are available as a separate download.Paranasal sinusesBy valchanov
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The paranasal sinuses model for 3d printing. CT scan, 0,7mm slides, bone window. The model is without scaffolds and you should add some with your slicing software. Link to sketchfab: Paranasal sinuses frontal, sphenoidal, ethmoidal, skull, head, paranasal sinuses, anatomy, 3d , model, .stl, printable3D Printable Human Heart model (Improved) with stackable slices, STL formatBy Dr. Mike
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This 3D printable model of a human heart was generated from a contrast enhanced CT scan. This model is an improvement over a prior version (here). It shows the heart with slices cut in the anatomical transverse plane. If you are interested in a heart with short-axis slices, check out my short-axis stackable slice model here. Notches have been added to ensure the slices fit together and do not slide against each other. The model demonstrates the detailed anatomy of the human heart in exquisitcervical spine segmentedBy fbonel
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Individually segmented vertebra for cervical spine, C1 through C7. Cervical disks are available as a separate file. Clear silicone sealant works well to assemble print. Anterior arch of the atlas, Base of the skull, Odontoid process, Posterior arch of the atlas, Mandible, Spinous process, Body of the axis, Anterior superior margin of the vertebra, Transverse process, Anterior inferior margin of the vertebra, Superior articular facet, Inferior articular facet, Superior verReal Size Left FootBy GMorein
- $5.00
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Real Size Human Left Foot This is a 3D rendering 3D printable model of human foot from MRI images. All bones of foot are connected and make it to be 'One-Piece' model. Height quality STL file just ready to printing. A model can be used to study anatomy, biology and physiology.3D Printable Lace Skull, Half-SizeBy Dr. Mike
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This half-size skull with web-like texture was created from a real CT scan. The beautiful lace-like structure not only makes the piece aesthetically interesting and strong, but also reduces material cost when 3D printing. The file is in STL format. This is the half-size version. A full-size version is also available here. Please share your 3D printable creations in the File Vault as I have shared mine with you. Feel free to print this model for your own personal usHalf skull, half size, STL formatBy Dr. Mike
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This half-size half-skull model shows detailed skull anatomy, including the cervical spine, skull base foramina, paranasal sinuses, and orbit. Perfect for teaching and as a discussion piece. Available for download in full and half size, STL and COLLADA formats. Please download and modify! Share your new creation by uploading to Embodi3D!
3d Human Heart Model

3d Human Heart Model Video

3d Human Heart Model Projects
Human heart 3d models. Human heart model made using ZBrush for my Master's of Fine Arts in Medical Illustration thesis project, 3D Modeling Techniques f. Human heart 3d model free download, 3D model of human heart modeling in 3ds max..max files size 422 KB.