Serial Port In Delphi

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Active2 years, 8 months ago

I am trying to write a program which will listen to the serial input from Arduino board connected via usb, and sending output to serial port (COM4). But I don't know how to get input from serial port in Delphi. I need program to listen to the port, and whenever the input comes, it should react to it. Any suggestions?

Tofig HasanovTofig Hasanov

Project Comport

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closed as too broad by MSeifert, greg-449, ivan_pozdeev, EdChum, DavidJan 4 '17 at 10:30

Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

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The already suggested tpapro will probably also do it, but I myself use TComport, which I consider slightly easier to use. It will has an event property onrxchar that triggers whenever a character arrives (and several options for other kinds of packets, including ASCII linediscipline).

I use it pretty much for the same kind of stuff, albeit with microchips mcus.

Marco van de VoortMarco van de Voort
22.7k5 gold badges44 silver badges81 bronze badges

I've used the Comport library of WinSoft for many... years. It´s excellent (0 bugs) and works with any version of windows.

The link is:

Juan Carlos VelezJuan Carlos Velez
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Windows Standard Serial Communication Library for Delphi

The Windows Standard Serial Communications Library for Delphi (WSC4D) is an serial communication library based on the WindowsAPI. Includes 46 functions plus modem control, serial comm API. WSC4D uses the core Windows API to communicate with any device connectedto a serial port from within a Delphi application.

A simple interface allows accessing data from a serial port using RS232 or multi-drop RS422 / RS485 serial ports. WSC also supports virtual ports such as those created by Bluetooth and USB/serial converters. WSC4D provides the capability to quickly write 32 bit and 64 bit Delphi applications to control serial devices such as barcode scanners, modems, lab instruments, medical devices, USB serial devices, scales, GPS navigation, etc.

The Delphi component library includes 49 functions plus serial line status & control, modem control,ASCII/XMODEM/YMODEM protocols, and a good selection of Delphi exampleprograms.

Serial Port In Python

WSC4D can be used with any version of Borland/Codegear/Embarcadero Delphi (including Embarcadero XE8 and Delphi 10 Seattle/Berlin).

Features of WSC4D include:

  • Includes 64-bit (WSC64.DLL) and 32-bit (WSC32.DLL) versions.
  • Free technical support and updates for one year.
  • Royalty free distribution with your compiled application.
  • Evaluation versions are fully functional. No unlock code is required.
  • Includes 49 functions plus modem control.
  • Can control any serial device (scale, barcode reader, etc.) connected to a serial port.
  • Can be used from GUI mode or console mode programs.
  • Can control multiple ports simultaneously.
  • Can be used with virtual serial ports using Bluetooth serial or a USB to serial converter.
  • Supports RS232, and multidrop RS422, and RS485 ports.
  • Includes hardware and software flow control.
  • Supports character peek (SioEventChar).
  • Supports transmit and receive timeouts.
  • Can send Windows messages on completion of events (incoming character, etc.)
  • Supports any baud rate (32-bit and 64-bit versions).
  • Ability to specify the parity, word size, and number of stop bits.
  • Comes with ANSI emulation and ASCII, XMODEM and YMODEM.
  • Supports binary and text data transfer.
  • Is port re-entrant.
  • State driven Xmodem and Ymodem on multiple ports simultaneously.
  • Is fully thread safe.
  • Supports Windows XP through Windows 10.
  • Works with all 32-bit versions of Borland, Codegear and Embarcadero Delphi.
  • Works with 32- bit and 64-bit verisons of Embarcadero Delta XE through Delphi XE8, and Delphi 10 Seattle and Berlin.
  • Does not depend on support libraries. Makes calls to core Windows API functions only.
  • Can be used with any program in any language (C/C++,.NET, Delphi, VB, VB.NET, Foxpro, etc.) that can call the Windows API.
  • License covers all programming languages. Purchase a developer license for WSC4D and use the DLLs with any other development environment (C++, Visual FoxPro, etc).
  • Implemented as a standard Windows DLL, which will work with all versions of Windows.
  • Will run on machines with or without .NET installed
  • Can be purchased with or without ANSI C source code to the WSC DLLs.
  • Documentation online as well as in printable format.

WSC4D can be used in the development of Win32 and Win64Delphi applications running under Windows XP through Windows 10.The evaluation version of WSC4D is fully functional.

Serial Port Component Delphi 7

The current version of the Windows Std Serial Comm Lib for Delphi is 6.0 (April 6, 2017).Registration is $115 for email delivery ($195 with C language source code).


Order Page


Download WSC4D
WSC4D Programmer's Manual
WSC User's Manual
WSC Reference Manual

Serial Port Monitor Delphi

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