I think Enterprise Miner was the easiest exam I've taken out of all the SAS Certs (I've taken Base and Business Analyist/Predictive Modeler as well).
If you are a graduate student, researcher, or statistician interested in predictive modeling; a data mining expert who wants to learn SAS Enterprise Miner; or a business analyst looking for. Nov 02, 2016 SAS Enterprise Miner is a solution to create accurate predictive and descriptive models on large volumes of data across different sources in the organization.
Below we provide a list of the objectives that will be tested on the exam.
For more specific details about each objective download the complete exam content guide.
During the testing of these objectives;
You will be expected to perform common tasks, such as:
- Create a new project in Enterprise Miner
- Open an existing project in Enterprise Miner
- Add diagrams to projects in Enterprise Miner
- Create libraries within Enterprise Miner
- Add nodes to diagrams in Enterprise Miner
- Copy nodes within Enterprise Miner
- Connect nodes to create process flows in Enterprise Miner
- Change interactive sampling methods for data exploration
- Work with the Help functionality within Enterprise Miner

Data Sources - 20-25%
- Create data sources from SAS tables in Enterprise Miner
- Explore and assess data sources
- Modify source data
- Prepare data to be submitted to a predictive model
Building Predictive Models - 35-40%
- Describe key predictive modeling terms and concepts
- Build predictive models using decision trees
- Build predictive models using regression
- Build predictive models using neural networks
Predictive Model Assessment and Implementation - 25-30%
- Use the correct fit statistic for different prediction types
- Use decision processing to adjust for oversampling (separate sampling)
- Use profit/loss information to assess model performance
- Compare models with the MODEL COMPARISON node
- Score data sets within Enterprise Miner
Pattern Analysis - 10-15% (new content)
- Identify clusters of similar data with the CLUSTER and SEGMENT PROFILE nodes
- Perform association and sequence analysis (market basket analysis)
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You can now conveniently and easily take SAS Certification exams in the comfort of your home or office.
Designed for SAS® Enterprise Miner™ users who perform predictive analytics
During this performance-based examination, candidates will use SAS Enterprise Miner to perform the examination tasks. It is essential that the candidate have a firm understanding and mastery of the functionalities for predictive modeling available in SAS Enterprise Miner. Successful candidates should have the ability to
- Prepare data
- Build predictive models
- Assess and implement models
- Perform pattern analysis. (new content)
Pearson VUE Registration
This exam is now available at over 2,800 Pearson VUE test centers worldwide.
Watch the instructional video before registering for the exam.
You will access SAS Enterprise Miner software during your exam. Please watch this instructional video that will demonstrate how to navigate both the exam and the lab environment.
Exam Content & Pricing
Predictive Modeling In Sas
Candidates who earn this credential will have earned a passing score on the Predictive Modeling Using SAS® Enterprise Miner™ 14 exam.
- 55-60 multiple-choice and short-answer questions.
- Passing score is 725; uses a score range from 200 to 1,000 points.
For more information about scaled scores, see our FAQ. - 165 minutes to complete exam.
- Use exam ID A00-255; required when registering with Pearson VUE.
- Candidates will use SAS Enterprise Miner to perform this exam.
Pricing Information: Predictive Modeling Using SAS Enterprise Miner exam fee $250 USD
Training & Exam Preparation

Your one-stop guide to help you prepare for SAS Certification.

- Predictive Modeling With SAS® Enterprise Miner™: Practical Solutions for Business Applications
For candidates with considerable experience in predictive modeling with SAS Enterprise Miner, this book provides a solid overview of the types of concepts and skills found in the exam.
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