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Grand Theft Auto
Windows - 1997
Also released on: DOS
GTA 1 Free Download PC Game Setup in single driect link for windows. GTA 1 is an action and adventure game.
Download extras files
Manual available
Description of Grand Theft Auto Windows
Grand Theft Auto (aka 俠盜獵車手, 侠盗车手, Race and Chase, GTA), a really nice racing / driving game sold in 1997 for Windows, is available and ready to be played again! Also available on DOS, time to play a crime, automobile, contemporary and north america video game title.
Released by Rockstar in the Rockstar Classics collection.
Grand Theft Auto has an addon available: Grand Theft Auto: Mission Pack #1 - London 1969, don't miss it!
External links
Captures and Snapshots
Screenshots from MobyGames.com
Screenshots from MobyGames.com
Comments and reviews
BIG MONEY SALVIO2019-06-251 point
Dimi2018-10-171 point Windows version
hi thanks for the game
JDHH2018-09-242 points Windows version
what is the exe name for the game in dosbox?
JDHH2018-09-240 point Windows version
how do you play it after you have installed it??
taps2018-08-180 point
cool,rad,awesome,amazing l love it
Bubba2018-07-24-1 point
Just buy a PS1 and the original game and it should work fine.
Psycho EM Tommy2018-07-191 point DOS version
When I try to use with dosbox it only loads the start menu but doesn't start the game.
Pouli Poulou2018-06-190 point Windows version
Good game
collegememory2018-04-221 point
Everything is extracted, installed, settings saved, etc. The game won't launch with the application file. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
I love hesoyam2018-03-24-5 points
not cool for 2018 ): (;
BrodyZeWonder2018-02-261 point
Game runs but I'm having a serious frame rate issue. I get anywhere from 1-5 fps, which is horrid to say the least. I'm using a Surface Pro 3 (64 gb ssd model w/ 4 gbs of ram and integrated graphics)
k2018-01-160 point
y is it not running?
BlueContraGuy2018-01-08-1 point
Old school and the one that started it all
TriggHappy2017-12-15-1 point
The game downloaded but it just crashes right after
AJ2017-07-300 point
Played it...finished it!!! Now if only i could get gta london working as well...
vtdyt2017-04-230 point
its a nice qames
Aflux2017-02-07-5 points
The game starts but keep telling me that the cd is missing.
i mont with daemon tools and dont work...
Need some help here, please.

Jack2016-07-14-17 points
I never played this when it came out, and I just can't figure out how anybody did. The from the top camera angle and speed with which it moves is atrocious, vomit inducing, and gives me seasickness. Can't even play it.
Jonnyboy19812016-05-043 points
how do i play once it is downloaded it just takes me to adf files to read thats
ttndx20142016-04-294 points
thanks for this
ETHAN2016-04-086 points
@Nostalgia-gamer2016-04-061 point
i did just recognized the familiar galaxians figures at every comment. it is so cool, how it is animated. i have also did played so many galaxians clones, or so on my win 98, or so.
@Nostalgia-gamer2016-04-061 point
252,253,254,255. i can't even spell the megabytes - so fast - that it downloads
@Nostalgia-gamer2016-04-06-3 points
six mins don't being able to waiting for thats it downloads. 220 mb
@Nostalgia-gamer2016-04-06-2 points
downloading right now. i didn't even know that just the istaller is 328 mb. then how big what that it installs? anyway it won't effect the computer, i trust in this site so don't worth it that i would going to download the Sandbox sec system. i hope that this site will not abuse my trust.
@Nostalgia-gamer2016-04-061 point
is the win installer includes the dos version? anyway i will try it first, but i have memories from 2004-2005 or so that my brother played the win version, and it is even had the same nostalgia that the dos version had PLUS i can remember my brother with this.
@Nostalgia-gamer2016-04-06-1 point
even the sreenshots is so much nostalgia for me - kill frenzy. in my language it is don't so nostalgic - gyilkolási roham.
@Nostalgia-gamer2016-04-061 point
So, so true. it is so cool, how can i did my parents pissed off with the sirens.
@Nostalgia-gamer2016-04-061 point
*pointed up on you- with the upper arrow y' know. i hope the moderator will not be disappointed, anyway i'm even not perfect ;)
@Nostalgia-gamer2016-04-061 point
I have pointed up on you, just 'cause you did tell what is your problem. Anyway it's maybe cause the game that you play from the CD. and i will download it soon and run it in dosbox, just cause in 2004 i did played it with some criteries:
#1:from the CD
#2:dos version with win 98
#3:always used the troy char, just cause it had all the levels on the CD
and i did spell, what's my nostalgia...
@Nostalgia-gamer2016-04-061 point
I'm an anonymous, if it is'nt (how can i spell 'egyértelmű' in hungarian language? don't tell me the google translater; i don't really want to use it, just 'cause of some MMO-brained kid.)
from the nickname. Anyway, i will go to the point. GTA 1 is so much nostalgia for me, when i was a kid, i did only played this from the series in 2004 or so... it was like yesterday-mintha csak tegnap lett volna. i'm a hungarian, and i supossed to use this, and don't tell me that i'm a hungarian just 'cause, y' all know, !!!
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fake name2015-08-202 points
can only get 60 fps at low colour but still looks ok to me amazing fun and if you want best performance use low colour
wallyboy2015-08-161 point
cant find where the FULL game actually installed there was this other thing that I chose but launchbox didn't like it BECAUSE it wasn't the game and setup.exe wasn't workin so I gave up after 30 mins of serachin my pc with help of cortana
io.sys2014-12-163 points Windows version
Game runs fine as high as 640x480, but any higher it crashes out on me. I never played this game when it was released, but it's pretty fun. I'll stick to the dos version in dosbox for now, not sure if the windows version in wine would do 800x600 or not.
nogungbu2014-11-292 points Windows version
For some reason game glitches and when I try to change resolution it closes the game shortly after.
SaggyBallz2014-10-292 points Windows version
Back when you used to get points for reaping havoc on the city between missions.
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Share your gamer memories, give useful links or comment anything you'd like. This game is no longer abandonware, we won't put it back online.
Buy Grand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto is available a small price on the following websites, and is no longer abandonware. GoG.com provide the best releases and does not include DRM, please buy from them! You can read our online store guide.
Game Extras and Resources
Some of these file may not be included in the game stores. For Grand Theft Auto, we have the following files:
Other Releases
Grand Theft Auto was also released on the following systems:
- Year:1997
- Publisher:ASC Games
- Developer:DMA Design Limited
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GTA 1 Game Information
Game Name: Grand Theft Auto
Genre: Action-adventure, open-world
Developer(s): DMA Design, Tarantula Studios, Visual Sciences
Publisher(s): BMG Interactive, ASC Games
Platform(s): MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation, Game Boy Colour
Release date(s): October 1997
PEGI Rating: 18+
Mode(s): Singleplayer, multiplayer
Grand Theft Auto 1 System Requirements (PC)
- 75 MHz Pentium or equivalent
- 16 Mb of RAM
- 1MB VESA compatible SVGA graphics card
- DOS 6.0, Windows 95, Windows 98
- 80 MB of Hard Disk Space
- Sound Card
- Keyboard
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