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Lovelife (album) by Lush

Lovelife by Lush (1996)
Overall rank: 9,250th

Top albums of the 1990s (1,808th)

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Lush Lovelife CD 1996 Jarvis Cocker Ladykillers Single Girl Runaway Papasan
Condition: Very Good
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LUSH - Lovelife US 1996 4AD/Reprise 12' x 12' double sided promo display flat
Condition: Very Good
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23h 10m 49s
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Lush bestography

Lovelife is ranked 4th best out of 8 albums by Lush on

The best album by Lush is Split which is ranked number 2121 in the list of all-time albums with a total rank score of 1,042.

Lush album bestography« Higher ranked (5,154th)This album (9,250th)Lower ranked (25,129th) »

Members who like this album also like:Nevermind by Nirvana, Illmatic by Nas and New Wave by The Auteurs.

Upcoming concerts (searched for 'Lush')

The SSE Arena, Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom.
The SSE Arena, Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom.

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Lovelife track list

The tracks on this album have an average rating of 77 out of 100 (all tracks have been rated).

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79 (6 votes)
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77 (4 votes)
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76 (4 votes)
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78 (3 votes)
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77 (3 votes)
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76 (3 votes)
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Related links:top tracks by Lushtop tracks of the 1990s, top tracks of 1996.

Lovelife rankings

Filter charts

Latest 20 charts that this album appears in:

Sort ranks
YearSourceChartRankRank Score
2019 cmoshierTop 100 Music Albums of 199677/1001
2019 AlienCinemaTop 80 Music Albums of 199658/801
2019 LittleM1971Top 100 Music Albums of the 1990s85/1003
2019 LittleM1971Top 59 Music Albums of 19964/595
2019 GowiTop 100 Music Albums of 199667/1002
2019 slipstreamTop 30 Greatest Music Albums13/3060
2019 guzguzgarbitTop 32 Music Albums of 19967/324
2019 Graeme2Britpop66/100 -
2019 LittleM1971Greatest Music Albums: 301-40050/100 -
2018 Graeme2Top 63 Music Albums of 199653/631
2018 johnnerTop 17 Music Albums of 19965/174
2017 PatrickDGreatest 4AD Records Albums65/100 -
2017 ButterThumbzTop 65 Music Albums of 199651/651
2017 hmalarenTop 67 Music Albums of the 1990s39/679
2017 discojets1Top 20 Music Albums of 199613/202
2016 PatrickDTop 100 Music Albums of 199667/1002
2014 SecondsoulTop 50 Music Albums of 199625/503
2014 philbutrinTop 100 Music Albums of 199640/1003
2014 philbutrinThe Best of 4AD/Guernica67/98 -
2011 parlopTop 40 Greatest Music Albums22/4048
Total Charts: 21
Total Rank Score: 158

You can include this album in your own chart from the My Charts page!

Lovelife collection

Showing all 14 members who have this album in their collection

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Lovelife ratings

Showing latest 5 ratings for this album. | Show all 26 ratings for this album.

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RatingDate loggedMemberNum. album ratingsAvg. album rating
06/19/2019 15:51 guzguzgarbit70/100
05/08/2019 14:37 TheDude8585/100
10/19/2018 22:12 LittleM197181/100
01/28/2018 00:29 Graeme279/100
01/12/2018 18:09 Event-Horizoon78/100

Related links:top albums of the 1990s, top albums of 1996.

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Lovelife favourites

Showing all 2 members who have added this album as a favourite

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Lush Lovelife Rapidshare Downloads
From KGB 06/10/2015 13:52
More pop than shoegaze, this is an uneven collection of songs that can tend toward the boring.
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From Luvulongtim 11/23/2012 03:50
Ok Shoegaze hipster snobs it's Britpop but its damn fine Britpop. Get over it. The genre already wore its course when this album came out. Lush turned whatever they did into gold and this album is no exception. Some of the best singles you'll hear not just from Lush but from anyone that came out at the time.
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